Understanding ONFTECH's Unique HR Operating Model

Understanding ONFTECH's Unique HR Operating Model

In today's dynamic business world, meeting deadlines, fulfilling customer commitments and fostering innovation are crucial to success. We recognize the critical role of our human resources in achieving these goals. To ensure optimal performance and adaptability, we have developed a unique HR operating model that combines two powerful approaches.

First, we adopt agile principles to effectively manage our resource pool and meet deadlines. By strictly prioritizing HR's available capacity and quickly reallocating resources as needed, we facilitate a faster rate of change within the organization. This agility enables us to respond immediately to evolving business needs and ensure timely delivery of projects and services to our clients. Moreover, it fosters a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to experiment, iterate and adapt to new challenges.

Second, we prioritize employee experience (EX) throughout the journey to attract and retain the best talent. Recognizing that employee well-being is crucial to sustainable success, we prioritize initiatives that promote health and resilience. By offering comprehensive support programs, fostering a positive work environment and providing opportunities for growth and development, we aim to create a workforce that is motivated, engaged and committed to achieving our shared goals.

With this our model that adopts an Agile HR model approach driving by our agile management strategy enabling us to respond swiftly to changing talent needs and foster a culture of continuous improvement, that empowers employees to take ownership of their career development. By integrating agile principles with a strong focus on employee experience, we have created a dynamic and adaptable workforce that is well-equipped to handle the challenges of the modern marketplace. So our HR processes such as recruitment, performance management, and learning and development, are redefined, making them more responsive and adaptable.

We aim to consolidate our leadership in the industry by utilizing the advantages of this model. By quickly adapting to changing market conditions. We seek to achieve sustainable success by supporting the personal and professional development of our employees while enabling them to use their talents at the highest level.

- Written by Melike Koçdağ, HR Manager at ONFTECH
